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Business Process Modeling, Management and Mining

BPM3 Introduction

Prof. Cesare Pautasso
[email protected]

Processes Everywhere

Business Process:

set of coordinated activities to jointly realize a business goal

Process Activities:

- performed by people
- performed by people using software
- performed by software

Processes not needed:

Processes not needed:

1 Person

1 Time

1 Hour

Organization Types

  1. Simple Structure
  2. Machine Bureaucracy
  3. Professional Bureaucracy
  4. Divisionalized Form
  5. Ad-hocracy

Coordinating Mechanism

Direct Supervision

Standard Work Processes

Standard Skills

Standard Output

Mutual Adjustment

Standard Processes

Explicit Rules and Regulations

"an obsession for Control"

Planning (once) before Execution (many times)

Simple and Stable Environment

Mature, Large Organisations

email-centric organization

Coordination and information sharing is achieved through email messaging. Processes are implicit and participation is driven by email.

data-centric organization

Information is centrally managed.
Processes are still implicit, even if their effects are visible as the data changes.

process-centric organization

Processes are explicitly modeled and executed by participants that use them for coordination and orderly information access.


Quote to Order, Order to Cash

Procure to Pay

Application to Decision (Approval/Rejection)

Issue to Resolution

Claim to Settlement

BPM Lifecycle


The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. 

The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency

Bill Gates

Types of Process Engines


BPM Questions:

What are the processes?
How to improve them?
How to ensure compliance?


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